What we do
“Give a man a fish,
and you feed him for
a day. Teach a man
to fish, and you feed
him for a lifetime.”
Ancient ProverbThe Pay It Backward Foundation was inspired and created by Tony March, to help feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, encourage the brokenhearted and get them on their feet again. We are an organization not bound by bias, and consider people from all walks of life our brothers and sisters, our friends and our equals.
Through local, national and global initiatives, we reach back and lend a hand with financial support and aid. But what makes our hearts sing is creating opportunities for personal growth and self-sufficiency. We commit to initiatives which emphasize practical skills development and are supported with healthy living mentorship and guidance. Our ultimate delight is in helping to create a new reality of employment opportunities, personal passions and interests, and a life of with newfound stability. Our mission is not to rescue anyone: instead we aspire to affording them the gift of saving themselves.
Those in need are never an expense, but rather, an investment. We look to take the many in dark situations and realities out of survival mode, and give them the chance to lift their eyes to the horizon and make plans for bold and brighter futures – just like the rest of us. We believe it’s possible for each and everyone we connect with to overcome the cycle of poverty, abuse and despair, and flourish in self-dependency.
As an example of our Foundation’s purposeful mission, cause initiatives we support, such as the “Tampa Bay Food Fight” (with two recent events raising over $450,000), ensure culinary scholarships are available to those in the community who would otherwise not be afforded the opportunity to nurture and grow this skill. And at Metropolitan Ministries, a national
beacon for community non-profits, Tampa Bay’s homeless and poor are welcomed with open arms, yet integrated into the shelter’s operational activities, requiring active participation and involvement in support of personal accommodations, meals, and healthcare necessities.
Through training and empowerment, a renewed sense of hope and pride can be instilled into the spirits of those long tarnished by stress and sadness. The Pay It Backward Foundation wishes for everyone, dignity, purpose and the dream of a bigger life. Our efforts make a difference, but there are untapped opportunities everywhere. Through our journey and activities, the Foundation aims to galvanize individuals and organizations into philanthropic action.
Contributing to Worthy Causes
Through its diverse community outreach and partnership initiatives, The Pay It Backward Foundation looks to both inspire others to give like there’s no tomorrow, as well as contribute to causes directly. However the challenge is presented, we are committed to bringing aid to the communities of the poor, the abused and neglected. When we recognize needs that align with our mission, we are eager to embrace them. We are diligent in funding initiatives and programs that have a clear focus on positive outcomes, and we relish the journey and new bonds of friendship created along the way.
If you would like to jump on board of one of our worthy causes, connect with Kristin at kristin@payitbackward.love.
Collaborating with Local and National Charity Groups and Organizations
With decades of philanthropic mindfulness and participation, the Pay It Backward Foundation has an extensive network of cooperative affiliations. Cooperation is key when you’re moving mountains. We love to create synergy with other groups doing good work. Just getting started and needing mentorship? We can help. You’re an expert in your field with energy to burn? Step right up. Hoping we’ll bring our strengths to your cause? Let’s talk.
Check out our foundation-sponsored “Paying It Backward” group book purchase initiative. With every group order and purchase of Tony inspiring giving back story, the Pay It Backward Foundation will donate a “Pay Back” to you or your organization!
Supporting Educational Outreach Initiatives
We believe a key component in creating a life beyond poverty is education. Knowledge and training build confidence in participants, moving them from powerless dependence to inspired self-sufficiency. The Pay It Backward Foundation seeks opportunities to provide support and sponsorships for programs focused on employment skills and training, financial literacy, sexual health and reproduction, household management, English acquisition, and more. Sometimes our time, talents and treasures support initiatives that allow learning to happen for more basic accommodations and needs, such as transportation subsidies and breakfast programs.
If you’d like to explore how the Pay It Backward Foundation could join forces with you and your organization for an educational outreach initiative in your community, reach out to Kristin Nicholson at kristin@payitbackward.love today!
Providing Leadership and Engagement Through Speaking Events
Our Foundation speakers and affiliate speaker partners all have one thing in common – real life, real world journeys and experiences. Whether direct from the streets, or from business class nobility, our captivating and inspirational speakers have truly lived it. Coming from unique and eclectic backgrounds and social realities, each brings a real world perspective to every audience and stage.
Whether you’re hosting a fundraising event and in need of an outstanding headliner, or looking for a pep talk for your philanthropic colleagues, our speakers will be sure to inspire, enlighten and brighten all along the way. Some, we promise, will simply leave you spellbound. All presentations are uniquely tailored to your specific audience and community interests and needs, taking into account desired message focus, goals, participant demographics and venue. It excites us to connect with new hearts, souls and minds from all over the world, who revel in our shared vision and mission of Paying it Backward to the people and communities who need us most.
Connect with us today at speakers@payitbackward.love if you are interested in learning more about our foundation speakers and partners and how we might be able to work together to inspire one another and your community or organization.
Foundation Info:
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